Malayalam christian song by sara
Malayalam christian song by sara

malayalam christian song by sara

God told them to change their names to Abraham and Sarah. God always keeps his promises.Ībram and Sarai had brand new names. God made this promise first and then Isaac was born. In your Bible lesson today make sure the children understand the timeline. Later, Sarah laughed from inside her tent when she overheard the three visitors repeat the promise (Genesis 18:11).

malayalam christian song by sara

This name makes sense because Abraham laughed when God first told him he would have a son in his old age (Genesis 17:17).

malayalam christian song by sara

The child was called “Isaac” which means “laughter”. Just as God had promised, a son was born one year after the visit from the three men. Today’s lesson will leave that story for another time but skip on ahead and conclude with the birth of Isaac one year later as recorded in Genesis 21:1-7. Note: After this the visitors leave and the two angels go on to Sodom and Gomorrah. At this time the Lord tells Abraham a son will be born to Sarah in one year. This writer does not completely understand this but this particular visitor seems to be a manifestation of God himself.Ībraham and Sarah offer the extreme hospitality well-known in middle-eastern culture and the visitors join them for a meal. Two of the visitors are angels (as later related in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah) but Abraham addresses one of them differently. Although Abraham had been sitting at his tent he looked up and they were standing nearby. It is obvious that these are not just normal men because they just appear. In today’s event Abraham and Sarah are visited by “three men”. Circumcision instituted as a sign of God’s covenant marked him and his descendants out as God’s people. Abram’s name became Abraham and Sarai’s became Sarah. (Genesis 17) God restated his promise to Abram.(Genesis 16) Impatient for the promise to be fulfilled Sarai asked Abram to father a son by Hagar, her servant girl.(Genesis 15) God made a covenant with Abram and says he will father a great nation.(Genesis 14) Abram rescued Lot from danger.To protect himself, Abram allowed Pharaoh to take Sarai into his harem for a short time. (Genesis 12:10-20) Abram and Sara go to Egypt during a famine.Many things (some noble and some not) have happened since that time. Once again, we find Abraham and Sarah living in tents near Shechem as they did just after God called Abraham to leave his home and go where God would lead.

Malayalam christian song by sara